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PSOS38153 OS GT15 HZ Petrol Engine & PowerBoost Pipe

PSOS38153   OS GT15 HZ Petrol Engine & PowerBoost Pipe
Les photos sont donne a titre indicatif et non contractuel
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Prix :645,79€
Disponibilité : En Stock
Modèle : PSOS38153
Fabricant : OS engines

RAPPEL : Vous disposez d'un délai de rétractation de 14 jours à compter de la réception du/des produit(s).

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PSOS38153   OS GT15 HZ Petrol Engine & PowerBoost Pipe


The O.S. GT15HZ 2-Stroke petrol helicopter engine is also the first petrol engine designed especially for 90 class engine/ 700 class electric helicopters. With an approximate runtime ratio of 1 minute per 10cc of petrol, it offers astoundingly long flight times and low cost alternative to glow fuel.

Gasoline engine generates larger amount of heat. To prevent overheating, large deep-?nned head is employed which ensures steady power supply by cooling entire engine efficiently.

The Ignition unit has been designed with ignition timing specifically for helicopter engines and features a straight plug cap for easier installation in the limited space. Suitable for use with a 4.8-7.5V battery.

OS test data shows with a 300cc fuel tank you can achieve an approximately 25 minute long flight!

The included PowerBoost pipe gives you maximum power from the engine and an improved throttle response.

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